3 Key "Old Boy" Supplements.....
The growth in the supplement industry over the last decade has been exponential. Whilst marketing is predominately aimed at the sub-conscious need for an individual to look good, as old boys we should look past this ego marketing and look at the real benefits that supplementation offers us as we grow older.
There is a myriad of different types of supplements and varying subtle differences between brands. However with some simple rules Old Boys can benefit from a good range of supplementation.
There are 3 basic supplements to consider -
1. PROTEIN—Protein is crucial for repair and maintenance of muscle. When selecting a protein however ensure it has a low carbohydrate content. As old boys our metabolisms are much slower than when we were younger, and it is more difficult to burn excess carbs and fats.
2. JOINT FORMULA—one of the biggest issues we face as we age is the wearing of joint cartilage and flexibility and soreness of joints. A good joint formula of glucosamine or fish oils is I believe an essential supplement. There are many on the market so try varying types (tablets, powders etc.) and brands to find something that works for you. It does take a good 6 weeks or more for the affects to be felt though.
3. MULTI-VITAMIN—a daily multivitamin gives you a top up of vitamins and essential minerals you may be missing, and is a great booster of the general immune system. I’ve been taking a multivitamin every morning for 20 years and I can vouch for its effectiveness over time.
This certainly doesn't mean that these are the be all and end all of supplements that Old Boys should consider, but they are a solid base. It all depends on you as an individual, your metabolism, what level of exercise you do, and your individual body. So experiment and see what works but don’t dismiss supplementation as a tool for healthy living.