Breaking Records V Consistency
One of the hardest things to accept as we get older is that we can’t train as hard, or do things quite as well as we once did, and if you don’t change your attitude to training then it’s a slippery slope into injury and depression….
The key word as we get older is Consistency. Training past failure every time you train is an excellent methodology for a young guy in his teens or twenties, but once you hit your 30’s you need to start being smarter.
At first it’s niggling injuries, being sore for longer periods etc., but that quickly leads into more serious injuries, which leads to training down time, and frustration. You MUST accept this is a natural part of the ageing process. I know you don’t feel old and you tell yourself you just need to man up and train harder……but that doesn’t work once you become an ‘Old Boy’. You have to work with your body, not against it.
As you get older it’s better to train at 75% of failure 5 days a week than 110% of failure twice per week.