Denzel Washington...The News
“If you don’t read the news you’re uninformed, if you read the news you’re misinformed” Denzel Washington.
As humans we can only absorb a certain amount of information at any one time...
Now our brains are the most sophisticated computer on earth, but what makes it so sophisticated is that it can take in every bit of information delivered through the 5 senses, but it subconsciously choses what to focus on and retain, and the way it does this is through our experiences. What has shaped our thinking during our lifetime, what influences, both nature and nurture, have created the person we perceive ourselves to be. Through all those experiences our brain will then chose what it deems to be the most important to you as a person and to your survival.
The media understand this phenomena and as our world has become more and more connected, with more and more information, it has become a race to be both first with information and also to pander to what people’s automatic thoughts will perceive as important for their survival as a person. Don’t be flippant and dismiss this, it’s a base fact of human existence and the media and the marketing world know it. So more and more the need to be first has overcome the responsibility to be right, to investigate and get to the real truth of matters.
Be careful what you believe, investigate everything for yourself, and investigate with facts not what others tell you.