The Art of Being a Gentleman

I know I sound like my father, but many (not all) young men today have lost the art of being a Gentleman. Here is an Old Boy style refresher course……..

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1.     Don’t be an opinionated tool – You are not right all the time and other people have opinions as well.

 2.     Stop defending yourself – This does not mean you don’t defend yourself from physical attack, this is about the need to defend yourself against someone who is different to you or has a different opinion to you.

 3.     Open a door for others – So simple but a forgotten art, open the door and let others walk through first, especially females. 

 4.     Be comfortable in your own company – This is getting harder in a connected world. Stop posting on Facebook looking for others to tell you how good you are.

 5.     Please and Thank you – It’s not rocket science…..Just say Please and Thank you. Nobody cares if you’ve had a bad day, why bring others down with you.

 6.     Don’t be a kiss-arse – Simple…nobody likes a crawler.

 7.     Be confident enough to be wrong - Be confident in what you do. If you don’t know, ask.  It’s not wrong to be wrong.

 8.     Admit mistakes – You stuff up, you wear the consequences. Don’t look for others to blame. Admit the mistake and move forward to look for a solution.

 9.     Don’t make the same mistake 3 times – Everyone makes mistakes and some even twice, but the same mistake a third time just means you’re an idiot

 10. Learn a fight skill – Every male should learn a fight skill. It doesn’t mean you have to be any good at it, but it instils a sense of self confidence and emotional growth that makes all the other rules much easier to live by…believe me!

John Rosel