Social Media and the Modern Narcissist

Social media has been an incredible invention and has connected us with old friends we haven’t seen in years, it sees us be able to stay in touch with loved ones at any time, and is an incredible source of knowledge. But at its worst it is a place where people seek out happiness and fulfilment by seeking acceptance, praise and ‘likes’. Have you ever stopped to think about the deeper reason behind some of the things people share on social media?


I call this the modern narcissist and it can be extremely subtle. At one extreme you have the person who is a ‘selfie’ addict. Constant pictures of themselves in various poses in various locations, looking for reassurance that they are physically attractive.

Then you have the people who post about their exploits and how hard it was, or how hard they have worked. They want to be seen as hard workers battling against the odds.

Then you have the very subtle ones. Those posts that ask questions or appear to be showing empathy. Sometimes they are again looking to be seen as good people and to be acknowledged for that.

Now let me be clear…..I am not condemning any of these things and I am not suggesting every post you make on Facebook has a hidden motive…sometimes it’s just bloody funny. At the end of the day if you are not harming people or trolling people, then post away. What I am trying to get through is, have a close look at yourself and what you post on social media. Be honest with yourself, why are you posting, really? We all want acceptance from others and to be loved, that is natural. Take the time to dig deep and understand your deepest motivations for some of your posts, it doesn’t mean they are bad, but don’t let them be your only source of fulfilment and search for happiness.

John Rosel