Change Your Mind…

When should you change your mind and when should you stay steadfast? Does it show weakness or strength to change your mind?

It’s both.



It shows strength to change your mind when new information comes along that contradicts a belief you have previously held.


It shows strength to hold steadfast to your belief provided your belief does no harm to others.


Weakness arises when your belief becomes an opinion.  You are placing part of who you are, part of your integrity into that belief, and as soon as part of your integrity is involved you feel the need to defend your belief (opinion), regardless of the information available to you, because you are defending yourself. Just take a quick look at comments on Social Media and how simple differences turn into vile online bashing.


Be steadfast in your beliefs…but continue to question them every day.

Don’t hold onto a belief just because you spent a lot of time believing it. Never be afraid to admit you were wrong.

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John Rosel