Hold Yourself to a Standard

In life strive to hold yourself to a standard…but remember holding yourself to a standard is a Responsibility…not a Right.


What do I mean by that?

Mountain top

Holding yourself to a standard is something we all should strive towards. It gives us a personal and emotional goal. It makes us a better person. It draws a line in the sand for the way we conduct ourselves.


The problem lies when we start seeing our standard as the way everyone should be, and when we come up against those people who have very different standards to us, we start to feel we have to defend our way of being, and denigrate the other person. Now I am not saying the other person is right, and in fact they may have no standards at all and be a truly awful person…but is it your duty to tell that person why they are wrong? Is it your duty to “convert” that person from their current low standards to your higher lofty standards?




When you do this you let your standards be judged by the actions of others. You compare your standards to others and you start feeling a sense of entitlement.


Setting a standard to live by is personal. It can only ever be judged by you, and it can never be compared to others, and you must never judge other people’s standards by your own. There is only one person you are accountable to in the world…yourself.

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MINDJohn Rosel