Stop Judging in the Moment

We live in a world where instant information causes us to have instant judgements. We see a news headline, we see a Facebook post, or we hear someone talking, and we immediately make a judgement on that person or situation.

If you ever want to be at peace with your place in the world, you must recognise this trait in yourself and stop passing judgement in the moment.



Just stop for a moment and think about how you read newspaper articles, or how you view situations that happen around you. Someone is yelling at someone else. An article talks about a drug addict who has broken into a house. We pass immediate judgment about that person or that situation, and generally we pass a negative judgment.


“I don’t do that” I hear you say. If you think that, then you are so blinded to your own ego that it doesn’t matter what anyone says, you will be right…and there is the core of judgement. You feel the need to defend your view of the world, so you immediately pass judgment on people and situations with little or no knowledge of what lead to that moment in time.


But if it makes you feel better, it is a natural reaction, our reptilian brain, our Fight or Flight response acting in the moment. We still have that basic Cave Man survival instinct, to survive we need to be safe and we need to make decisions on what may cause us harm and we must do it quickly least we get hurt or killed.

However, if you can start to notice this reaction in yourself, and stop passing judgement immediately on anyone or anything that happens, you will notice a huge change in your attitude. It really does reduce negativity and increases the desire to find out more…and when you find out more, what you find is often not what you expected.

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MINDJohn Rosel