There is an answer…

We all have problems. We think we are unique, in fact we are constantly told we are unique, but we all have the same problems, they are just dressed differently.

There is an answer…but only if you are willing to actually listen.

Blue Lake

There are no new problems. There are no unique problems. Every problem you have ever faced, has been faced by someone else at some stage in history, and in fact is faced by a majority of people on a daily basis.


Why then do we think we are so much more knowledgeable and better equipped to deal with problems than generations that came before us? I would argue that in fact we are less well equipped due to the modern addiction of social media, instant news, and also the focus on Rights instead of Responsibilities.


These issues have led us away from past teachings such as Stoicism and Buddhism which offer a way of living your life, a way of thinking, that brings with it peace and happiness. Now I am not saying they are a miracle cure, but what I can assure you of, is that if you take the time to listen, to read, to study some of these old philosophies, the answers are there.


Can you recognise how locked into societys’ “norms” you are? Can you become aware of the way you are living your Life? Can you open your mind and reduce your judgement enough to see that maybe you are not always right?

Live a Life Worth Living


Be sure to check out our courses, guides and books to see how we can help you get the most out of your life.

MINDJohn Rosel