If you were arrested & tried, would you be convicted?

How do you see yourself? A good person? A Buddhist? Tolerant?

If you were arrested and tried for being this…would you be convicted?

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We like to see ourselves as one thing or another and you see people who love to tell others how good they are, or they like to be seen at certain events or places that support the definition of who they think they are. I saw many of these people at Sunday Church growing up as a good catholic boy.


So my question to you is, if you were arrested and tried for your convictions…would you be convicted?


Will your actions speak loud enough for the jury to convict you beyond reasonable doubt…or will they see you as an unreliable witness to your own self beliefs?


You can have all the good intentions in the world but you will only be proven guilty by your actions.

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MINDJohn Rosel