Fail Gloriously....Don't Succeed at Mediocrity
Ultimately, life is about your resilience not your successes…so if you’re going to fail, fail big…because no great story started with mediocrity.
Failure is part and parcel of life, but we are afraid of it because of what people will say, because I’ll look stupid, because I’ll lose all my money.
Don’t ignore these fears, they are there for a reason… but recognise when they are holding you back, because to have tried and failed is always better than having never tried.
Life is for living, not just to exist. At the end of your life, you want to have a story to tell. A story of having really lived and experienced. A story of having never been afraid to try something new.
Personal fulfilment comes from having just given it a go, having done what you could, with what you had, where you were. It really is about what you tried, not what you achieved. It’s about the journey not the destination.
Comfort zones are far more depressing in the long term, than failure from having tried.
Live a Life Worth Living
John Rosel