"The Old Boys Code" - Judgement

·       Duty

·       Honour

·       Judgement

·       Tenacity

·       Courage

·       Belief

·       Altruism

·       Enterprise

 Let’s talk about JUDGEMENT


Judgement has two different connotations, external and internal judgement.

External judgement is the judgement of other people or situations, the slavery to automatic thoughts and preconceived ideas.

Internal judgement is the judgement of oneself, the perception of who we are in the world and how external people and situations impact on us.

When we engage in External Judgement we’re emphasising our primal Fight or Flight instinct. The tendency to judge others is a reflection of our subconscious wanting to be better than those around us, stronger than those around us, and to be right and others wrong. When we’re better, stronger, and right, we will survive and thrive.

This doesn’t mean you have to agree with everything you see and hear that does not fit with your values and beliefs, but they are YOUR values and beliefs, not anyone else’s, and when you stop judging others by your view of the world, your level of stress and anxiety begins to dissolve.

Internal judgement is the judgement we place on ourselves. We compare ourselves to others. We Judge ourselves by what we perceive are the expectations of society. It’s that voice in our head that keeps putting us down, telling us we’re not good enough, and feeling discontent with our lot in life.

Internal judgement is the root cause of stress and anxiety because we’re living our lives by the rules of others.

To live the Old Boys Code means removing judgement, internal and external, from our way of thinking. We never get life 100% right and in fact if you are getting anywhere above 50% right, then you are probably not trying hard enough.

Next week TENACITY


Live a Life Worth Living

John Rosel



John Rosel