Rational Opinion

Opinions, like everything else in life, can be good and bad. It’s how you use them that makes a difference.

 I’m generally not a fan of opinions and I am especially critical of opinions that are not based on a reasoned argument.

One of the most prominent opinions these days is that of Global Warming, mining and the Green movement. I have little time for those who deny climate change as it is mostly based on short term greed, but I also have very little time for the ring-in climate change protestors who turn up in Clermont from Tasmania to stop Coal Mining destroying the environment whilst driving diesel guzzling 4WD’s.

We must do something about our environment, we can’t keep burning stuff to create energy, we can’t keep dumping plastic into our oceans. But conversely neither can we simply stop all coal mining overnight, stop the production of all plastics overnight. That course of action would simply send our world economy into a nosedive and create mass poverty, which in itself will open the door for more extreme industrial measures to pull us out of that hole.

What we need is a long-term plan. An understanding that we need a better world small steps by small steps and start taking action.

Having an unshakeable opinion either way simply emboldens the unshakable opinion of the people at the other end of the argument and the goal of sustainability moves further and further away. Is it too much to ask that we could each give a little to come up with a solution…I suppose it is.

Live a Life Worth Living

John Rosel