Success & Happiness

What is success and happiness to you? Is it the tangible signs of wealth such as a big house and loads of money…or is it intangible personal growth and spirituality?

You’ve heard the saying… “Success doesn’t bring happiness, happiness brings success”.

Well I say bollocks!

Success and Happiness are two very different things, and they are both individual to each and every person.  One person’s definition of their own success and happiness is different to anyone else’s.

We are told we should set goals that we define as making us successful and happy and then we must work hard and strive to achieve those goals every day. BUT there is one critical ingredient that is always left out of this equation which is the true key to success and happiness, and that is ATTACHMENT.

Success and Happiness are completely negated by Attachment.

Attachment means that you believe you will only be happy when you are successful, or you will only be successful when you are happy. The problem is that you have attached meaning to each of these terms, you need to achieve one or the other before the other will occur.

Stop letting your success and happiness depend solely on your definition of each of these things. Set goals, try, fail, adjust, and try again. The outcome is irrelevant.

Measure your success and happiness by your effort, not by your outcomes.

Live a Life Worth Living

John Rosel