The Real Problem...

The world does not have a problem with climate change, or war, or refugees or even most definitely does not.

The world does not seem like a nice place at times, with climate change, constant wars, refugees, terrorism etc. But as a society we always focus on the symptom, not the cause.

Science will NEVER solve climate change.

Politics will NEVER solve war.

Religion will NEVER solve Terrorism.

Climate change is caused not by industry and toxic waste, nor by cars, or coal. Climate change is caused by GREED and I am not talking about big corporations. It is caused by the average Joes’ greed, by the average climate change activists GREED. The greed that they want more, they demand power, they demand heating in winter and cooling in summer, they demand a new car, they demand more of everything.

Politicians don’t cause wars. Countries don’t cause wars.  A lack of personal EMPATHY causes wars.

Terrorism is not caused by religion, it is caused by a lack of UNDERSTANDING the unwillingness to see and accept others’ opinions, and our ability to judge a group of people by the actions of one.

Nothing is a magical cure, but if we are to survive, we must change our own personal way of thinking before anything else.


Live a Life Worth Living

John Rosel