
Have a good hard look at the way you communicate, the way you speak to others, and what you post on Social Media…are you subconsciously looking for validation?

We are always looking for validation, to be accepted by the group, to be liked. It’s our fight or flight brain trying to keep us safe. If people like us, then they are no threat.

Have a very close look at what you are saying on social media, for example are you simply looking for people to say yes, you’re right and others are wrong?

Now I can guarantee there are many people who will read this and say, “No, I just tell it like it is and if others don’t like it then that’s their problem not mine”.

No, it’s not…it’s your problem. This is one of the most obvious ways people look to for validation. They want people to see them as strong, independent and practical, and having no time for another person’s shit.

I know, because I was one of those people for a long time.  But when I started to notice a few times that I was genuinely seeking validation, I became amazed at how much I was doing it, and in fact I became embarrassed.

Don’t bullshit yourself. Have a close look at how you communicate and what you say and post…what is your real intent?

Live a Life Worth Living

John Rosel