Breathe... Just Breathe...


It sounds so simple, yet is one of the single biggest issues for beginners.

Learning to breathe correctly under stress is something that does not come easily and takes a long time to master.


You’ve all heard the martial artist yelling and screaming as he performs a technique. This isn't just for show (although some martial artists seem to think it is). What they are actually doing is a ‘Kia’ which is the exhalation of the air from the lungs at the point of impact on a strike. This has two key roles –


1.     To focus the energy and power into a point in time and technique, to produce the most powerful strike


2.     By exhausting the lungs of air, this forces you to breathe back in thus creating a breathing cycle


The biggest problem faced by beginners and some advanced students, is when they are under assault, they tend to hold their breath. This is the worst thing you can do as it quickly depletes the blood of oxygen and drains stamina and energy. Try an exercise….breathe in and hold your breath, when you can’t hold anymore let it out. Notice how you immediately gasp for air even though you are sitting comfortably. Imagine the extra impact when you are under attack, stressed and already fatigued.


Now try something else….breathe out and empty the lungs, now hold your breath. It doesn't work for long does it, you are very quickly forced to breathe back in. Hence the ‘Kia’ to empty the lungs and force the body to breathe back in.


Breathing is important when attacking but in my opinion even more critical when you are under attack. As I said above, when under attack it’s a natural reaction to hold your breath and this leads to immediate fatigue and a decrease in gross motor skills. Use the same ‘Kia’ as if you are under attack. Short sharp out breathes as you take a hit, roll with the punches and kicks and ‘Kia’ every time you are struck. This is an advanced technique and is not easy to master, and unfortunately can only be mastered under stress, i.e. sparring practice. However once you start to master the art of breathing whilst under attack, your sparring and fighting abilities will increase exponentially. As you start to negate the oxygen deficit you will be more relaxed, more focused, and able to counter attack with much improved results.


So next time you are under attack…...remember just breathe…

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John Rosel