
We make decisions every second of the day, some big, some small, and some critical to the future of our lives. We make good decisions and we make bad decisions…but what is the difference?


Well it has nothing to do with the outcome.


Because we become so focused on our goals, on being successful, on having more money and more toys than the next person, we have a mistaken belief that any decision we make that does not lead to a successful outcome is a bad one.

Not true…

 Define good or bad decisions not by the outcomes, but by how you made the decision.

A Good Decision is made with the knowledge you had at the time, with the best thought you were able to put into it at the time, within the bounds of where you were mentally and spiritually at that time. Simply, if you did the best you could, with what you had at that time, then you have made a good decision. If the outcome turns out to be an unmitigated disaster, it doesn’t matter. You can only do the best you can in the moment.


Bad Decisions are made when you did not try hard enough, you had the resources to make a better decision and you were too lazy to use them, or you made a decision based on what you have always done or what is easy. That is the only bad decision you can make.


So the next time you have a major decision to make, just stop for a moment and ask yourself if you are making a Good Decision or a Bad decision within this context.

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John Rosel