Cause vs Symptoms

Why as humans do we have a tendency to treat the symptoms rather than the cause of all our issues….?

It seems to happen all the time in our society that when faced with a problem we immediately look at treating the symptoms rather than the actual cause.  Why do we do this?  Well, there are a couple of reasons.

 It’s easier

Symptoms are the first thing we see. They are easy to identify and easy to treat and take little thought.


Social Media

Social Media is a veritable breeding ground for symptoms. In a world of instant news and 3 second click bait, symptoms sell because causes take time to reveal themselves.


Fight or Flight

Our reptilian brain and its Fight or Flight Response is designed to respond to immediate threats and take action to either fight or flee from danger. Symptoms are visible…Causes are often not.


So look closely at your own personal battles. Are you looking deeply enough and treating the real cause…or are you continually treating the symptoms for temporary relief?

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John Rosel