ARK | Act of Random Kindness

Here’s a challenge:
Stop trying to change the world, stop trying to find meaning in your life and just complete one single ARK (Act of Random Kindness) every day.


Keep it simple, don’t try and be a hero and save someone from drowning or run into a burning fire to save a dog (of course if that opportunity arises then don’t stop to think about it).

I am talking about holding the door open for someone to walk through. Giving someone an encouraging word. Helping an old lady get something off the top shelf at the supermarket. Get someone’s bag out of the overhead locker on the plane. Let someone go in front of you at the café.

These are the small things we can do everyday to make the world a better place…and most importantly, you a better person than you were the day before. Try it…it is extremely gratifying.

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John Rosel