Finding The Way

We constantly strive to find meaning in our lives, purpose, and some form of direction. What if there isn’t anything at the end of the rainbow?

Finding The Way

Our western society promotes tangible wealth as success, but of course most of us realise that whilst wealth certainly makes life easier, it doesn’t guarantee happiness.  If you look closely, most of the people in the world who consider themselves enlightened or who are searching for the enlightened path also remain unhappy. Why?


Because we seek, we desire, we want more. Regardless of how our life is, we constantly want more. More tangibles (wealth and “things”), and more intangibles (more peace and happiness).

The older we get the more we look for meaning and a “path” to follow. But the problem is that we are never content with where we are. Now this isn’t a bad thing because this is what keeps us moving forward, but you have to change your view on striving. The problem with striving is the attachment we place on what we are striving to achieve. When we get that wealth, when we find enlightenment then we will be on the path and we will be happy and at peace.

You must remove the attachment. The greatest lesson you can learn in life is to try as hard as you can to achieve the best you can be both tangibly and intangibly…but regardless of the outcome be happy with where you are, in the moment. 

Know that you have tried your best and then whatever the outcome is, good or bad, be at peace knowing you have tried your best. Measure your success by your effort, not by our outcomes.

Live a Life Worth Living


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John Rosel