People In Rivers

“We have to stop pulling people out of the river, and go back upstream to find out why they keep falling in”

- Archbishop Desmond Tutu


As a society we constantly keep pulling people out of the river, we rescue them, we give them comfort, and then set them on their way again…only to have to rescue them again. Why?


Political Value

Unfortunately in our democratic society there is political mileage in visible quick fixes, and being the hero and pulling someone out of the river in front of a crowd will get you elected...forging a path back up river where no one can see you to fix the problem, has no political value.


It can become an Industry

Unfortunately many issues such as drugs and race have become industries around which there is value to others to keep pulling people out of the river. If you fix the problem, then we don’t need any rescuers.



It takes Time to fix problems to stop people falling in the river, and in our “must have it all now” modern society, Time and patience have unfortunately become in very short supply.


Rights V Responsibilities

…and finally the biggest issue for me is a complete focus on the person in the river. That person deserves to be rescued from the river…BUT…regardless of circumstance, that person must take responsibility for their actions. In modern society the focus is far too much on MY RIGHT to fall in the river and MY RIGHT to be rescued. If we as a society and as individuals are to change, then we need to TAKE RESPONSIBILITY for falling in the river in the first place.

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John Rosel