What is Stoicism? And Why it Matters

Stoicism dates back over 2,300 years. It’s not a religion. It is a philosophy on how to live your life. It was founded in early Greece and Rome and made famous by a Roman General called Marcus Aurelius. If you haven’t heard of it then have a look. In our modern world the teachings and practices of Stoicism could not be more relevant and useful.

Here’s an overview…


Stoicism has some similarities with Buddhism, but with far less mystery and sometimes difficult to understand  concepts. Buddhism, being of Eastern origins, is sometimes difficult for the average westerner to grasp in a meaningful way.


Stoicism doesn’t look for enlightenment, but for simply being a little bit better today than you were yesterday. It was practiced by Soldiers and Senators, farmers and fisherman, men of everyday means facing everyday problems, and for that reason alone I find it a source or real teachings on which to base my life.


At its heart Stoicism espouses -

  • Responsibility for your own actions

  • Understanding that which you can control and that which you can’t

  • Thinking to understand, not thinking to judge

  • Self-Control

  • Your individual ethical and moral well-being


If you haven’t heard of Stoicism before then check it out, if you have, then take a deeper look…it’s worth it.

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John Rosel