How to Handle Stupid & Ignorant People

It doesn’t matter what situation you face in life, there will always be 10% of people who are just stupid and make life hard for everyone else. But how do we handle this without getting angry and frustrated? Well there are two aspects to this that you must consider.

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First cab off the rank, make sure it isn’t you that’s the problem. You see this all the time on Facebook with quotes like “People don’t like it when you speak the truth”. Just stop for a moment and think about that, the person who has said this believes they are telling the truth and that others are ignorant and stupid. But are they taking any time to try and understand the perspective of the other side of the argument, or are they just convinced their way is right and others are wrong?


Just because you know you’re right doesn’t make it so.

So step one is to be clear that you have actually kept an open mind and are trying to understand the other side, not just their actions but their mindset that makes them take these actions. Then once you’ve done that, go back to the Rule of Acceptance. Accept there has always been and always will be the 10%. Now I’m not saying to settle for it, but also understand that you will never talk sense to this 10%, they don’t have the emotional intelligence or evolution to be able to see anything other than their own point of view…so stop trying and stop taking any notice of them.


If only we could get the media to stop focusing on these 10%.  But the media knows it gets our emotions running hot and this is what sells unfortunately, because we all have a little of the 10% in each of us.

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MINDJohn Rosel