When Confidence and Ignorance Collide

Donald Trump…never has there been a greater example of Confidence and Ignorance combining. But history has seen a multitude of leaders with this combination, in fact it could be argued it is a requirement for the role.


To be a leader you must be confident. A leader who second guesses their actions, or tries to please everybody, will only lead his subjects into anarchy.


Ignorance is the inability or unwillingness of someone to understand another person’s position, which usually comes hand in hand with a lack of empathy.


Now leaders are required to be single focused, to make decisions and have 100% confidence in their course of action. But when that is combined with ignorance, then it becomes all about the individual and has nothing to do with leadership.


You often hear the term “A leader of men”. A leader of men is someone who is absolutely confident in their decisions, and who inspires people to follow them. They don’t lack empathy. They are not ignorant. They understand what unites people and motivates people.  They can articulate in a format that people from different walks of life can understand which inspires them to achieve more in a way that benefits the individual and the group as a whole.


Ignorant leaders pander to peoples’ base fears. They divide by inspiring peoples’ fear of what may hurt them, physically, economically, or culturally.


Divide and Conquer…the Romans perfected this strategy, it’s nothing new, but it does not move our society forward, it is simply meeting the short term personal goals of the confident and ignorant leader…yet the majority are still fooled by it.

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MINDJohn Rosel