Emotions…They’re a Trap!

Humans…we’re so evolved what with our ability for rational thought etc. So why then do we let our emotions control our thoughts and actions?

Because they are there to protect us… but few have evolved far enough to recognise that.


When we lose someone we love, we suffer grief. When we are hurt by others, we get angry. When we are confronted by a person or situation, we get fearful. When we are pushed out of our comfort zone, we get anxious. These are just small snippets of the vast array of emotions that we as humans are affected by.  We tend to look at emotions as a cause of the incident that has happened, an after affect that was created by something that has occurred.  This is wrong. When we look at emotions in this way, we see them as inevitable and something we have no control over and they will either pass with time, or we will sink deeper and deeper into that emotion until it becomes our identity, who we are as a person.


I think of emotions like white blood cells. They come out fighting when we experience something we don’t like. They are there to help cocoon us through our emotional recovery, but the problem arises when we cling to them and they become our comfort zone.


For example when we suffer great loss, our emotions are grief and sadness. These emotions can be overwhelming and are essential for us to express how we truly feel at that time. But what often happens is we are not brave enough to open ourselves up again because we simply couldn’t take that hurt again, so we stay sad because in that state we are already sad so we can’t be hurt again. It becomes a comfort zone and worse, it can become who we see ourselves as….I am a sad person; Nothing ever works for me; I can’t go on.


This same cycle applies to all our negative emotions. Think about how it may be affecting you, and see emotions for what they truly are, something good trying to protect us.  But know when it is time to say thankyou to that emotion and pack it away again, so you can get on with Living a Life Worth Living.

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MINDJohn Rosel