What I Think vs What I Say

Motivation seems to be a true bell curve against age. Our motivation drives us forward in our youth and early adulthood, but seems to peak and begin to slide as we age.

But why?

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You can never point to just one element and every individual has different issues in their lives that impact their motivation –

  • Physical ability

  • Injury

  • Health issues

  • Weight

  • Mental issues – embarrassment, fear of failure, self confidence


But much of the time it’s all about our comfort zone, and everything else becomes convenient excuses for why we don’t push ourselves to achieve more. Of course there are genuine restrictions of injury and health issues, BUT you adapt both your physical world and your expectations, and realign your goals to meet those parameters, and then push forward.


Some years ago I was working through some motivational issues and the following chart came out of that discussion. Whilst it is reflective primarily of the physical realm, many of these ‘excuses’ can be applied to every aspect of our life, training, health, nutrition, family and relationships. What is clear from this chart is that with men there is always a level of outward image that subconsciously needs to be maintained. It’s important to not look like a sook in front of mates, and as such what I say out loud and what I actually think are two different things.

What I Say To Others -

  • I’m too old for that shit…

  • Its too hard with work commitments…

  • I’d love to do that but….

  • When I used to train….

  • I don’t have time with family and kids….

  • Back in my day…

  • I used to be able to….

  • I’ve got this old injury…


What I Think To Myself -

  • I’ll look like an idiot…

  • I know I need to get fit…

  • I’m depressed…

  • I can’t do it anymore…

  • I’d love my kids to see me do this…

  • I just can’t push myself anymore…

  • I don’t know what I want anymore…


Stop Talking...Stop Thinking….Just Start Doing

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MINDJohn Rosel