Perception… The Root of all Evil

The saying “Our Perception becomes our Reality” is so unbelievably true yet we just can’t seem to see it. Our Perceptions become our Opinions, which become our Reality, which we then feel the need to defend constantly.

Stop believing everything you think.


Every day we have information and news coming at us a rate that we simply can’t manage, and so we use filters to quickly assess all this information and make a quick judgement. Now the key to understanding here is that this judgement comes from the “Cave Man” part of our brains, and it is based simply on what will keep us safe.

Understand that modern humans evolved about 200,000 years ago and the majority of the human race has been in survival or subsistence mode for about 199,800 years of that time. Social Media has only entered our lives in the last 20 years. On the evolution clock, our brains are barely 1 minute past midnight. When you take this into context, you can see that for 199,000 years our brains have been trained to make quick judgments based on survival, there is no chance that that part of our brains has disappeared in the last couple of hundred years.

So…keeping that in mind you can see how our brains make quick judgements on what is right and what is wrong. We don’t even realise we are doing it. This is what we call perception. We experience a situation, we run that through our subconscious filters, and we come up with a perception, which is often an emotion. From that emotion we then start to think consciously and we form an opinion.

We need to be very conscious of this process and understand that our perceptions are coming from our subconscious filters, and that not everything we perceive is the truth.

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MINDJohn Rosel