Why Christmas Sucks

Christmas time is always a time for reflection. How has your year been? Did you achieve what you wanted to? I bet you didn’t, and I’ll tell you why…


Firstly we all know New Years Resolutions are a waste of time and often made under the influence of alcohol at a time when you feel invincible. So don’t even attempt to reconcile the year with those pipe dreams.

Secondly, you’ll be focusing on all the stuff that went wrong this year. How you haven’t made the money you wanted to, or how you hate your job, or how you are somehow fatter now than this time last year.

Thirdly, next year will be different…Really?? Stop setting yourself up for failure.

What if, just for something different, we take some time this Christmas to really think about all the good things that have happened, all the things that went right, all the times you really enjoyed yourself.

And even more radically…don’t set any New Years Resolutions this year. Just let life happen, see what comes your way, good or bad, and play the hand you are dealt this year. Don’t expect you’ll be dealt a Royal Flush…a pair of eights can still be a win…but simply just enjoy the fact you’re even playing the game.

Enjoy life and seek out the small and simple things that bring peace and happiness. In the end that’s all that really matters.

Merry Christmas!!

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John Rosel