Physical Comfort Zone

Finding motivation is a constant battle, and the older we get the easier it is to make excuses. But it’s a slippery slope, the more excuses we make, the harder it is to come back and the lower our energy and self-esteem goes until all of a sudden we talk a great game about how good we used to be, and all the reasons we can’t train now…...


The older we get the smaller our comfort zone gets and it’s critical we keep pushing the boundaries. Take a moment to draw a circle now and list inside that circle everything you currently do in terms of your fitness and health…..Now list outside the circle all the things you could do 2 years ago, 5 years and 10 years ago but don’t do now because ’you’re too old for that shit’. Have a good critical look at what you see and ask yourself…Am I one of those guys who the older he gets, the better he was?


It’s par for the course that as ‘Old Boys’, injuries are inevitable. It’s important however to be in this for the long term, not the short term. We want to be leading a healthy lifestyle for years to come. Sometimes that means easing off on the ‘expectation’ meter. Injuries need to be accepted and managed. It’s very easy to throw in the towel with a niggling injury, and it’s also a problem at the other end of the scale to continue to push through the pain of an injury. It’s not rocket science and you all know it but - Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation.


Where you can, continue to train but work around the injury. I do a lot of kickboxing and some years ago I broke a toe and only boxed for 3 months, it improved my boxing skills tenfold.


Just don’t let injury put you on the couch with a beer in hand for the rest of your life….That sort of behavior is reserved for the beer garden with your mates…… where there is absolutely no empathy whatsoever.

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MINDJohn Rosel