A Single Moment

Our lives are made up of a multitude of single moments. Moments that impact our whole life and become what we define ourselves by. We can all go back in time and see moments that made us who we are, good and bad, although we always tend to look at the bad.

Have you ever thought of how your actions in a moment, can impact someone else’s entire life?

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We all know those moments –

  • An overheard conversation that leads to a lifetime of feeling unworthy.

  • The neglect of a parent that leads to depression.

  • A moment of embarrassment that stops someone ever taking chances.

  • A confrontation that leads to a constant struggle against anxiety.

  • A betrayal that closes someone off from ever letting people get close.

  • But what about those moments that made a positive difference?

  • A teacher said something to you that encouraged you to pursue a goal.

  • A sporting moment that gave you confidence.

  • An act of random kindness that created an opportunity for you.

  • An action by someone that changed your perceptions.


The funny thing is these people rarely ever know what impact they had on you at that time.

These are the moments that matter. Forget defining yourself by the bad moments that happened to you, you can’t change them.


Be a defining moment in someone else’s life.

Live a Life Worth Living


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MINDJohn Rosel