Prevention is Better than Cure…No it’s not!

We’ve all heard the saying “Prevention is Better than Cure”, well let’s take that in context and I’ll show you why it isn’t.


“Prevention is Better than Cure” is correct BUT we as humans often tend to take it out of context. We look at this and say, “we should have done something different”, or “why didn’t I do it that way”, or “if only that person didn’t do that to me”.


We look at this saying and try to work out how we can stop bad things happening to us. If you spend your life trying to stop bad things happening to you then you will be very disillusioned. Firstly from focusing on what could go wrong all the time, and secondly because there are so many thing you can’t control that you have no chance of preventing bad things happening.


What we need to do is change our thinking from “Prevention” to “Cure”. In that context, I mean learning how to deal with the bad things that happen to us. The only thing we have control over is our attitude to the things that happen to us.


Now I don’t mean just do whatever you want and bugger the outcome…what I mean is you control what you can control, be aware of risks but don’t be constrained by them.   Go out and do stuff and whatever outcomes may fall from that action, then you adopt the Rule of Acceptance.  Then get up, dust yourself off, and try again.

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MINDJohn Rosel