Stop Explaining Yourself

Why do you do the things you do? Why do you act in a certain way? Why do you chase goals and dreams? Why do you feel the need to either let people know what you have done, or explain why you did it?

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Have you ever stopped and analysed your dreams and goals? I don’t mean what they are, but rather the way in which you chase them? A common methodology in setting goals is to tell your trusted friends what your goals are so that they will keep you accountable and on track. I disagree with this. That approach is particularly an American style mindset and I don’t believe it works well for a few reasons.


Firstly telling people what your goals are puts you under pressure, and with so much standing in your way that you can’t control, when things don’t work out like you said, this can induce a feeling of failure.


Secondly, that person is not vested in your dreams. They have their own life, their own goals, and their own worries.


Thirdly, you are asking someone to hold you accountable to their standards, not yours.


Fourth, and worst of all, is telling someone your goals because you are seeking a subconscious level of approval from them and at the same time letting them know how inspirational you are.


None of these outcomes have any benefit. Don’t pursue goals because you need to justify yourself to others, or because you are looking for praise. Pursue goals simply because that is what you want to do…and to be sure you are on the right track…don’t tell anyone about it and hold yourself to your own standard.

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MINDJohn Rosel