Quest for Spirituality

Is the path you’re on the one you think you’re on?

Be very careful that your quest for enlightenment isn’t defining who you are…it’s very easy to slip into this realm. 

But what do I mean?

quest for spirituality

You are on a search for spiritual fulfillment. You are seeking to be more peaceful and happy. You want to live a simpler life. These are very noble endeavours, but does it make you feel good when people recognise these attributes in you? In itself that isn’t a problem, but if you start to tell people about the path you’re on, or talk about things you’ve read and learnt, so that you get some acknowledgement and praise in return, then you have lost the meaning of the way. The thing is, it can be so subtle, the way this yearning for recognition can enter into our subconscious, we must be always aware.

But of course here’s me writing a blog about it, does that mean I am looking for recognition and people to tell me how good I am? It’s easy for me to say no, that my focus is simply to share my thoughts and ideas that maybe in a small way I can make a difference in a few peoples lives…but I should never take that as a given, and I should always be mindful of my deepest motives.


Whatever path you are on, forever be conscious of your real motivations, and always keep questioning yourself. 

Make sure that path you’re on, is the path you think you’re on.

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MINDJohn Rosel