The Climate Debate

I find the Climate Debate an extremely interesting study in human behaviour and a classic example of an issue I continually espouse as our cave man ‘Fight or Flight’ syndrome, which I believe is the root cause of much of our unhappiness.

If you are willing to step back from the debate, you will see this in play all of the time…


There is nothing more divisive these days than the climate debate.  You have to be either a climate sceptic or a climate believer and the area between, where rational debate, compromise and most importantly solutions evolve, is like a WW1 no-man’s land.


People have become so entrenched and aligned with their views, that anyone who differs with their opinion, they see as a threat to who they think they are as a person, and as such they feel the need to defend themselves (fight or flight). Unfortunately when a debate such as this becomes so intense it become all about being right, and nothing to do with facts.


The Far Left want all fossil fuel mining and production shutdown immediately…but this is not a solution, unless you want economic chaos and our future generations to be destitute.


The Far Right won’t acknowledge any climate change. They will not believe that continually pumping crap into our ecosystem is a bad thing…but this is not a solution, unless we want to destroy the planet at some stage in the next 100 years.


The problem is as each side tries to defend its position, it has to yell louder to be heard, and this only emboldens their individual beliefs, and hardens their stance. This just leads the sides further and further apart and away from any solutions, compromise or progress.


If you can, start looking at this debate around the world with no opinion, no emotion on the subject. Just watch the debate, see how both sides manipulate facts, how both sides are emboldened in their ‘fight or flight’ responses and the need they feel to defend their positions at all cost. Now have a look at your own thinking. Pick something you have a strong opinion about and see how you don’t like people who have different views to you…it’s the same thing.

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MINDJohn Rosel