The Art of Living

There is an Art to Living your life. Unfortunately too many of us just drift through each day convinced we will start to live tomorrow…

But what do we mean by “The Art of Living”?


The Art of Living, like a Martial Art, can be learnt. There are ways of thinking and looking at the world that are common to all forms of self-development and it is critical you learn these basics before you start on your own life path.

Like a Martial Art, these basic ways of thinking, knowledge of how the mind reacts to circumstance, understanding why we react to situations in our life the way we do…are the foundations of The Art of Living. Without this understanding, you will never be able to live consciously.

The learning of these basics can be viewed as the progression through the coloured belts of a Martial Art. As you progress and gain knowledge, each step builds on the previous step. 

Reaching a Black Belt in the Art of Living means you have learnt the basics and it’s at this stage that you can confidently start to create your own path through life. This is where the real reward is…but without being patient and seeking the knowledge contained in the coloured belts, your journey will only result in frustration and the hardening of attitudes and opinions.

The problem with most people though is that they have entrenched beliefs from life’s experiences and are not prepared to think that maybe there are other ways of doing things.

Forget what you think you know… open your mind to all the possibilities.

Live a Life Worth Living


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MINDJohn Rosel