The Definition of Wealth

You’ve heard it before…the real definition of wealth is not money but rather personal and spiritual growth.


Then why do we all think that this is just something a poor person would say, because you and I both know that monetary wealth can bring comfort and security.


Well you’re doing it wrong…

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It’s a grand sentiment to say that you don’t need money to be happy, and whilst it really is a true statement, the majority of people understandably look at that statement with scepticism and believe it could only be made by someone who is financially comfortable and has no understanding of what goes on in the real world.


There is nothing wrong with money and wealth in particular. It brings with it comfort, security and the possibility to do good in the world. But whether you are poor or rich, if you don’t understand the “Scales of Happiness” then you are doomed to be a victim the rest of your life.


The Scales of Happiness is the balance between your desires and what you believe to be happiness. You put a desire on the scales and it tips to the desire side. You go out and achieve that desire and the scales tip back into balance and your definition of happiness. You place another desire on the scale, you achieve it and you’re back in balance. This goes on our whole lives and we keep adding to our desires and we keep looking for more. Real happiness will come when I achieve the next goal, fulfil the next desire.


What if we looked at it differently and instead of adding desires, we took desires off the scales? What if we were happy with what we had right now? What if we were able to keep trying to be the best person we can be, but instead of our desires becoming something we must meet, because they are on the scales and weighing us down…what if we lived our lives in the moment, and when we achieved a goal and our happiness increases and weighs the scales to the happiness side, we then added that achievement to the desire side of the scales to bring us into balance that way?


I know this is counter-intuitive but think about this for a while. It doesn’t mean you don’t set goals and take action, but those goals are something to aim for, rather than desires. When they become desires, they weigh you down emotionally and tip the scales away from happiness.

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MINDJohn Rosel