Be Friends with Death

“Ok where’s he going with this”” I hear you say, but bear with me and I’ll explain why you should think about your own mortality and your inevitable death.

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We never like to think about the fact that we will die one day. We think we will all grow old and death will only visit when we have achieved all we want to achieve and we have lived a full life. We ignore the inevitable.


The problem I have with that is it sets us in an “I’ll start tomorrow” mindset. We believe we have time. We will achieve those goals but we’re just too busy today.


Now to be clear, I am not talking about worrying about the fact that you will die and it could be in the next hour, (who knows), I am talking about coming to a realisation that you will die sometime and there is nothing you can do about it, so why not give life a red hot go in the interim. As such when your time comes will you be happy that you gave it your best? And I’m not talking about achieving all your goals, or accumulating the most money, etc…what you need to be happy with is that you did the best you could, with what you had, where you were.


As the great Andy Dufresne said, “Get busy living or get busy dying”.

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MINDJohn Rosel