When Focus Becomes a Problem

In business you often get told that focus is key, to be a specialist in your area and outsource your weaknesses, “be an inch wide and a mile deep”. Often though, the problem arises when the more “expert” a person becomes in a niche area of knowledge, the more they start to believe they know more about everything than anyone else.

Do you know who the most successful people are…?

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The most successful person in business is often “a Jack of all trades and a master of none” and they surround themselves with people who make them look better than they really are.  And they listen.


Now I’m not saying being an expert in a specific area is not good, in fact it is a very desirable trait and is the fastest way to success. What I am saying is, don’t ever forget what you don’t know, and never stop listening and learning.


The moment you believe you are the smartest person in the room, then you’re in trouble.

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MINDJohn Rosel