We don't see things as they are....we see things as we are

Throughout our lives we experience all manner of good times, bad times, and in between. Our subconscious takes in all these experiences and creates rules and protocols for how to react when these situations arise again. This process is designed to protect us, to keep us safe from future harm.

But we become blinded by these subconscious rules and protocols and we view situations through the filter of our own experiences.

This is what breeds ignorance and intolerance.


You had an experience where you were hassled by a homeless person. Now every time you see a homeless person you get angry because you don’t want to be hassled and you walk across the street to avoid them. I’m so sick of these homeless people always hassling people…

You got in a fight when you were younger with a kid from a certain ethnic background. Now every time you see someone from that ethnic background you feel fear and suspicion. They’re all bad news those guys…

You feel uncomfortable in large groups, but the guy next to you is the life of the party…he’s obviously an arrogant tosser being so extroverted…

If you associate work with being stressed and unappreciated, then you will be stressed and unappreciated.

Take a close look at yourself….what we don’t like or understand, we immediately judge in other people and situations. Rarely do we look at a person or situation without the biased filter of what we think is right or wrong.


John Rosel